
"Above and Beyond Construction History" sets up a dialogue between Construction History and Colonial History, Legal History and Planning History, to actively expand the field's disciplinary boundaries. Through explorations of themes, methods and actors, that were until now beyond the interest of the field, this research project propels an extended understanding of what consitutes construction — and thereby its history. read more

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Legal Track Colonial Track Planning Track Crossroads Dave de Ruysscher Igor Bloch Ine Wouters Johan Lagae Laurence Heindryckx Louis Debersaques Michiel Dehaene Rika Devos Robby Fivez Simon De Nys-Ketels Stephanie Van de Voorde Tom Broes Expertise Labour Technology Internationalization Materials Reading the archive Oral history Field work Digital humanities Construction worker Architect Contractor Engineer Client Building material producer Book Chapters Journal Articles Conference Contributions Blog Posts
The legal track analyzes the impact and implementation of law and legal expertise on building sites.
The colonial track investigates how building typologies, technologies, and materials were integral to the extractive logics of the political project of (Belgian) colonialism.
The planning track studies the coevolution of cities and the construction industries that build them. How do cities construct the conditions of their own making.
Building methodological and thematic bridges towards other (unexpected) disciplines, Crossroads texts are actively trying to expand the boundaries of what is considered construction history.