Above and Beyond Construction History brings together young and advanced researchers with established academic staff from four disciplines and three academic institutions
Construction History:
prof. Rika Devos (ULB, rika.devos@ulb.be)
prof. Stephanie Van de Voorde (VUB, stephanie.van.de.voorde@vub.be)
prof. Ine Wouters (VUB, ine.wouters@vub.be)
dr. Laurence Heindryckx (ULB, laurence.heindryckx@ulb.be)
Colonial History:
prof. Johan Lagae (UGent, johan.lagae@ugent.be)
dr. Robby Fivez (VUB, robby.fivez@vub.be)
drs. Igor Bloch (UGent, igor.bloch@ugent.be)
Planning History:
prof. Michiel Dehaene (UGent, michiel.dehaene@ugent.be)
dr. Tom Broes (UGent, tom.broes@ugent.be)
Legal History:
prof. Dave De ruysscher (VUB, dave.de.ruysscher@vub.be)
dr. Simon De Nys-Ketels (ULB, simon.de.nysketels@ulb.be)
drs. Louis Debersaques (VUB, louis.filip.i.debersaques@vub.be)
Above and Beyond Construction History is a Belgian EOS-project (Excellence of Science - id: 40007559), conjointly funded by the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) and the Fund for Scientific Research of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation (FNRS), running from 2022-2026.